GUERRILLA is an archive based project looking at the release and realignment of Black slaves who have been 'locked in time' in slavery memorabilia; never being truly emancipated. Through re-editing and stripping the intended hate and objectification of the Black body from the original racist illustrations, a new graphic is born - therefore, a freedom given.
T-shirt 0002 illustration comes from “FLAGELLATION OF A FEMALE SAMBOE SLAVE” an illustration by William Blake for he book ‘The Narrative of a Five Years Expedition Against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam’ by John Gabriel Stedman, 1796.
The woman has been digitally modified to be clothed and bear a smile in the face of a promised emancipation. The style explores a 3D glasses effect in the Pan African colours to convey a much needed visibility through Humane Afrofuturism, as well as simultaneously allowing the Black woman to be amorphous in the repeated sketch.
Edition of 50
Each t-shirt comes with a double sided reference postcard: featuring the racist W. Blake illustration and the emancipated GUERRILLA illustration